I'm sorry, but there is a fundamental flaw in this question: Biggio, Bonds, Clemens, Sosa and Piazza are not eligible until 2013. 2012 only includes Bernie Williams, Vinny Castilla and Javy Lopez as players of any note.
My predictions:
2011- Alomar, Blyleven, maybe Bagwell
2012-Larkin, Bagwell (if not already elected. Obviously.)
2013-Biggio, Piazza
2014-Greg Maddux, Frank Thomas, POSSIBLY Jack Morris (been going up, bump from last year; then again, Greg Maddux could cancel him out. Electing Jack Morris together with Greg Maddux? Right.)
2015-Randy Johnson, Jeff Kent
2011 Specifically:
Roberto Alomar-85-90% (mostwho punished him will vote for him on second ballot I think.)
Bert Blyleven-80%
Jeff Bagwell-50-80% (Pros-power numbers, no steroids, One Team guy; Cons-short of 500, not good for 1st baseman in steroid era, some could feel he used peds, others could wait for Biggio for some reason)
Jack Morris-55-60%
Barry Larkin-55-65%
Lee Smith-45-50%
Edgar Martinez-35-55% (There could have been quite a few 'No DHs 1st ballot' guys.)
Larry Walker-35-50% (Not an obvious choice; clean; Coors Field and Expo)
Tim Raines-30-35%
Rafael Palmeiro-20-40% (Failed steorid test after actually denying use; but has 500 HR AND 3000 H)
Mark McGwire-20-50% (Steroids admission could help, or could actually hurt; biggest wild card.)
Alan Trammell-20-25%
Fred McGriff-20-30% (1st ballot effect unknown.)
Don Mattingly-~15
John Franco-~15% (Excellent closer, but I really have no idea.)
Dave Parker-~15%
Dale Murphy-10-15%
Juan Gonzalez-<5-30% (Darn good, but steroid taint; not 'great.')
Harold Baines->5%
Kevin Brown-4% (Excellent pitcher, but no big numbers; on Mitchell Report)
Others getting more than 1 or 2 votes, but less than 5%: Benito Santiago, Tino Martinez, John Olerud, BJ Surhoff