Seattle Mariners-
1) Daisuke Matsuzaka, Japan pitcher, said to be best Free Agent pitcher, will be auctioned off...It's a long shot if the Yankees, Mets, or Red Sox are interested but if there not I can see the Mariners bringing him to Seatle.
2) Kei Igawa, Japan pitcher, want's to play on the West Coast which mean either Dodger's or Mariners, and I guess he's good friends with both Ichiro and Jojhima
3) Jason Schmidt or Barry Zito, first Schmidt is from the Northwest and has expressed he would love to play in Seattle, he's on the backside of his career but could help the Mariners signifcantly, Barry Zito, would be a perfect fit making our #1 starter an ex-Athletic and our #2 starter (Jarrod Washburn) an ex-angel... If we sign either one of the Japanese pitcher's I see us giving up on these two...
4) Adam Eaton, from Seattle area, hasn't yet reached his prime, would make a great #4 or #5 starter, and would give us another ex-ALWEST pitcher...Eaton being from the Rangers.
4) Lots of talk has been that once Jim Edmonds goes on the block, the Mariners are going to attack him, WHY? I have no idea, Ichiro will be fine in center, Ibanez has had the best years of his career the last few with Seattle, and a young guy we have Chris Snelling finally spent all year in the majors without being injured and is a phenom, plus we have last years CF Jeremy Reed as backup...
5) This is a trade not a signing, we need to throw considerations of trading Sexson out there, Seattle loves him and doesn't want him to go, but we need to see what's out there, and get it in his head he needs to produce now or he won't be here next year.
6) OKAY, big limb, I'm really hurting myself here...but, I guess I would like to see BARRY BONDS in a Mariners uni... here's why, the Mariners have two washed up players for DH Eduardo Perez and Ben Broussard, there paying them $4.5 mill combined, so why not get rid of them for a couple buckets of baseballs, and sign Bonds... Bonds would do great because we don't need him in the outfield, he would be the most popular guy, none of his ex teamates are on the Mariners, the Mariners lead all of major league baseball and minor leagues in steroid suspensions...and he wouldnt have to worry about doing bad cause everyone does horrible once they come to Seattle, but if he does good somehow he'll be a God...and of course if he does average we'll trade him at the deadline and he'll go to a team that will be in the playoffs...WHY NOT!?!?!