pounds. I don't care if they list him at 275... NO WAY he's 275. He's way over 300. 325-350 easy. He's 27. He wants a contract until he's 37. He's smoking crack. No way he gets that much. I say he's good for 4-5 more years. His dad broke down in his early 30's and he was a fatso too. I think for Prince's numbers, he's more in a 6 year - 150 million dollar range. I would take that if I was Prince. Also, I don't think teams should go beyond 6 years for him. He's a fatso fat body blubbler whale. At least Albert Pujols works out and takes care of his body. Prince the fatso will break down. He's lucky he hasn't yet. Also, he would work better in the American League, where he could DH from time to time. I know Scott Bor-*** is his agent and he's going to pressure Prince for the last dollar an year amount. But, if I were a GM for a team, i wouldn't go beyond 6 years and 150 mil. What do you think?