Of course they would.
Just like New York and Washington, DC teams won so many championships following 9/11.
Oops, that's right - not a single one of the NY teams won a championship until the Giants won the Super Bowl in 2008.
And teams from Washington haven't won a single championship since then.
As for the whole Saints' Katrina connection, you do realize that Katrina happened in August of 2005 and the Saints won the Super Bowl following the 2009 season, don't you? In other words, they had to wait for the FIFTH season after the hurricane occurred to be "healed".
And of course, we all know how well the Colorado teams did after the mass shooting in Aurora.
Seriously, for anyone to think that any multi-billion dollar industry would run the risk of people finding out that games were fixed in some sort of attempt to make people "heal" after a tragedy is incredibly short-sighted. Baseball, as well as the NFL, NBA and NHL would lose incredible amounts of money if any legitimate proof were to be shared. And given that it would take thousands of people to pull off such a thing. the odds that every single person involved would keep their mouths shut would be astronomical.
Sorry, but people who believe in conspiracy theories such as these are either WAY too gullible, WAY too paranoid, or WAY to lazy to actually think about reality.
And most are probably a mix of all three.
BTW - The Apollo moon landings did not take place at a secret military post in Kansas, 9/11 was not an inside job by the US government and Elvis is still dead.